Your Top 10 Defects – Act Now!

Ellucian PowerCampus Product Manager, Carol Dandary, posted the following message on eCommunities. It asks for your feedback in defect remediation in PowerCampus. Here is your chance to get involved!

Dear PowerCampus Customers:
At the two Regionals in June we handed out a set of four reports that list the top 50 defects sorted by:

1. Severity
2. Weight
3. Number of individuals following the defect
4. Number of individual institutions following the defect

Each institution that attended the regionals received a set of these lists and was asked to vote on their top ten. This should be a collaborative effort inside the institution, but collaboration between institutions is also encouraged.

The way we prioritize defects normally is to take the highest severity, and rank those by weight, which means if there is a level 3 defect that you are trying to get fixed, the level 2s would always precede the work for the level 3.

We want to extend this invite to all PowerCampus institutions. If the defect that you want fixed is not on any of the lists, then you can add it to your top ten, but we will select the ten that get the most votes across the client base (which probably means you will need to collaborate with others). We said that we would fix these in the order of priority based on your votes. The only thing that will change that priority is if a severity level 1 is found during the development period. One caveat are defects associated with Academic Plan. We know there are issues with that functionality, and we would rather take it on as a full feature rather than attempt to fix something that may create a new defect. The coding logic for Academic Plan is complex.

You can use this thread to try to gain support, and we will be following the conversations closely.

If you’d like to be included in this vote, please contact for the lists, or for any questions you may have.

The deadline for your vote is Friday, July 31, 2015 by noon eastern time. This will give us time to rank the lists and start work on the list in August.

The PowerCampus Team